Application Submission
- Application must be completed in its entirety.
- A $50.00 non-refundable application/credit check fee must be paid in full at the time of application submission. We accept cashier’s check, personal check, money order and credit cards. We do not accept cash. If your application is approved you will receive a $50.00 credit on your first month’s rent with a signed lease agreement. This only applies to new residents not receiving their first month’s rent for free.
- A completed application consists of ALL the following:
- Completed Application
- Terms and Conditions Acknowledgement
- Credit Check Request and Authorization Forms Acknowledgement
- Valid Identification (example: driver’s license, or government issued ID)
- Social Security Card or Identification (example: other identification number)
- Most Recent Pay-Stub or proof of income. (If you are self-employed, we will need your most recent tax returns to verify income.)
Application Processing
Upon receipt of completed application and applicable fees, your application will be sent to processing, which will consist of the following:
- Process your application
- Review your credit report
- Review your background check
- Verify your employment/Income
- Verify your current and/or past landlord reference
On average, applications and supporting information are reviewed by the community manager for approval within 48 hours, provided all the information is correct and can be verified. In the event that your information cannot be verified as submitted, you may be asked to provide additional information to complete the processing.
Once you have completed your application, you may do one of the following:
- Complete the online application and pay the application fee via credit card or pay by phone
- Hand deliver it to the community you are applying for and pay the application fee when you drop it off.
- Fax it to the community you are applying for and pay the application fee by phone.
- Scan and email it to the community you are applying for and pay the application fee by phone.
- Mail it to the community you are applying for with the application fee in the form of a cashier’s check, personal check or money order
(Make it Payable to: My Place Communities).
Application Approval
Upon receipt of all required verifications and references, applications will be sent to management for approval. After a decision has been made on your application, we will do one of the following:
- Acceptance: We will notify you and arrange for the signing of lease documents and moving in. You will have two business days to sign the lease and pay the security deposit to secure your rental unit. Please note that the property will remain on the market until the lease is signed and a security deposit is paid.
- Denial: We will contact you in writing as to why you were denied.
Once the application has been accepted, you will be required to complete the following prior to moving in:
- Sign the lease documents
- Pay first month’s rent
- Pay the security deposit
Multiple Applications
We will inform you if the property you are applying for has another application pending. We encourage you to submit your application and to complete the approval process. If this property is taken before your application process is completed and approved, there are others to choose from and you will be able to move forward quickly.
Properties are not placed on hold or made unavailable to other applicants because an application is in process. The property is available to all applicants until an applicant is approved and a deposit has been submitted.
The application can be downloaded and fax/hand delivered to our office or you may complete the application online.